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Join Barnes & Thornburg and Innovosource for a unique opportunity to connect and exchange information with university-managed tech/startup funds and accelerators from key research universities. This is your chance to get in on the ground floor of a nationwide community consisting of university Tech Transfer Offices, startups, tech industry innovators and investors - all in the name of stimulating strategic interactions and the transfer and development of intellectual property and startups. Discover how this community can provide unprecedented and easy access to the strategic IP or specific key expertise you need.

If you need to fill a gap in your IP portfolio, explore a new strategic direction, identify key IP for development or investment, or the ability to gain rapid and targeted access to the IP, this is the event for you!

Where: Barnes & Thornburg LLP
225 S. Sixth St.
Suite 2800
Minneapolis MN, 55402 

Reception: Randle's Restaurant and Bar
921 Nicollet Mall
Minneapolis, MN 55402

When: Wednesday, July 11 2018
Program: 1:30 p.m. - 5 p.m. CT
Reception: 5:30 p.m. - 8 p.m. CT 

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